28 de Junio, 2022
This past June, some classes of Kids took part in their first Virtual Open Day of the year. The objective of this activity was to share with parents the different kinds of tasks and activities teachers include in class and how students benefit from them greatly. Also, this was a great opportunity to show how other technological tools are included in class. All students did a great job and, most importantly, they had a lot of fun! Many thanks to Pamela Mendoza, Alejandra Zeballos, Flora Rojas and Virginia Manrique for their enthusiasm and cooperation.
This first Online Open Day experience has been very special and rewarding. My Kids 10 class was eager to show their parents what they have been learning at Britanico Online where on this opportunity, they could talk about their favourite sports as well as showing the drawings they did by themselves – such talented students I had the honour to teach! I must also outline the huge importance parents have on their kids’ learning. Without their support, accompaniment and active participation during their learning process and even more in events like this Open Day, kids wouldn’t get the confidence they need to gain knowledge and reinforcing their self-esteem, too.
Alejandra Zeballos – Kids 10 4.00 p.m.

The Open day gave my Kids 1 the opportunity to show not only what they have learned in class but also the effort and dedication they put in every activity, making me proud to have had them as students. It was a fun experience that I am sure they would be eager to repeat.
Flora Rojas – Kids 1 3.00 p.m.

It was a real pleasure to work with this K04 class last term because they had a great performance at the Open Day which gave the kids a chance to show off their English skills and, their performance was unbelievably amazing. They really enjoyed working on vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, singing and their favorite activity was Quizizz. Thanks to all the children and parents who were part of this activity for their commitment and support.
Virginia Manrique – Kids 4 3.00 p.m.

Without a shadow of a doubt, being part of the OPEN DAY has left memorable memories of what a group of highly motivated and energetic kids can do, of course, with English. Games, stories, songs and more, along with technology got the students involved and provided an opportunity to show parents a piece of what has been done in class. And, the best of all, seeing my students’ faces light up next to their mums and dads gave me a priceless feeling I’ll never forget. Proud of you KIDS 3! ☺️
Pamela Mendoza – Kids 3 4.00 p.m.